Tissue Cross Reactivity (TCR) Studies

Tissue cross-reactivity (TCR) studies are used to evaluate the binding of antibody and antibody-like molecules on panels of tissues, most often by Immunohistochemistry (IHC). Detection of off-target binding does often not translate to notable toxicity, but alerts on which organs should be monitored closely for adverse effects. TCR studies can also result in the identification of new sites of on-target binding.
In order to avoid antigenic modifications that result from formalin fixation in the FFPE format, TCR studies are performed on frozen tissues. Animal tissue collections can be used to validate the choice of non-clinical species for toxicity testing. A regulatory panel of human samples from over 30 organs or structures are used in GLP-grade TCR studies for IND/CTA filing.
Cerba Research holds both animal and regulatory human tissue panels for quick starting of projects.
We can support your need for TCR testing from preliminary studies, where the antibody concentrations to be used are determined, to the full GLP TCR for regulatory submission.