Accurate characterization of the tumor micro-environment when tissue sample access is limited can be an important challenge in the field of immuno-oncology. The balance and tumor infiltration of T cell subpopulations are of particular interest and their importance has been repeatedly demonstrated in the literature. T cells are important immune effector cells and are therefore preferred targets for immuno-modulation.
Conventional T cells can be broadly classified as a helper (Th), cytotoxic (Tcyto), memory, or regulatory (Treg) cells. Tcyto cells ensure optimal immune responses against invading microbes and tumor antigens. Under homeostatic conditions, Tregs promote peripheral tolerance. However, within tumors, Tregs can suppress Tcyto cell functions. The multiplex protocol, Histoprofile®- T-reg light panel, developed at Cerba Research on the Discovery ULTRA (Ventana) platform is designed to stain specific sub-populations of T cells on a single slide, avoiding the need of serial sections from precious patient’s FFPE samples in clinical trials while still providing an in-depth analysis of the tumor microenvironment.
Discover in this poster how we did an analytical validation of a fluorescent multiplex designed to assess cytotoxic T cell (CD3+/CD8+/FoxP3–), T helper cell (CD3+/CD8–/FoxP3–) and T regulatory cell (CD3+/CD8–/FoxP3+) populations and tumor infiltration on solid tumors FFPE samples for use in a clinical trial.