Poster – Evidence For The Utility Of Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Image Analysis In Ki-67 Quantification In Solid Tumors

Created: January 15, 2025

Although it is an important biomarker in oncology (mostly in breast and prostate), Ki-67 immunohistochemistry (IHC) analysis has yet to be standardized. Working groups have provided guidelines for Ki-67 scoring in different cancer types to limit pathologist’s variability.

Digital analysis solutions to assist scoring with image analysis or AI have recently emerged in the evaluation of Ki-67 as rapid and robust solutions In this context, we compared the results of Ki-67 scoring performed with Aiforia Platform ® (AI platform) and Halo ® (image analysis supervised software) against three independent pathologists on various solid tumors.

Discover more about this in the poster presentation Xavier Pichon, Principal Scientist at Cerba Research, did at ESMO 2023.


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